Invitation for Bids
日期/ Date:2024-5-14 上海機電設備招標 (以下簡稱:招標機構)受 中國商用飛機 上海飛機設計研究院 (以下簡稱:招標人)委托,對下述貨物和服務進行國際公開競爭性招標,我們竭誠歡迎合格投標人參加投標。 Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinafter called ”the Tendering Agent”), authorized and on behalf of COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Design & Research Institute. (hereinafter called ”the Tenderee“), We cordially welcome eligible bidders for the supply of following goods and service by way of International Competitive Bidding.1、招標條件/ Bidding Conditions
項目概況:工程師在環交互式視景系統升級1套。 Project Overview: 1 set of Engineer in the loop interactive visualization system upgrade. 現招標人資金已到位,具備了招標條件。 Now Funds have been put in place, the Project is with the bidding conditions.2、招標內容/ Bidding Content
招標編號:0613-244025221719 Tender number:0613-244025221719 項目名稱:工程師在環交互式視景系統升級。 Project name: Engineer in the loop interactive visualization system upgrade 項目實施 Place of Implementation: Shanghai. 招標產品清單/ List of Products:序號/ No. | 貨物名稱/ Name of the goods | 數量/Quantity | 簡要技術規格 /Main Technical Data | 交貨期 / Delivery schedule |
1 | 工程師在環交互式視景系統升級/ Engineer in the loop interactive visualization system upgrade | 1套/1 set | 詳見第八章/ see Section 8 | 合同簽訂后5個月內完成到貨驗收,9個月內完成交付驗收/ Acceptance on arrival was completed within 5 months after the signing of the contract and acceptance on delivery was completed within 9 months |
3、*投標人資格要求/ Qualification Requirements For Bidder:
1) 投標人須具有獨立法人資格,境內投標人提供加載統一社會信用代碼的營業執照或事業單位法人證書;境外投標人須提供有效的企業登記證明材料; / Domestic bidders with independent legal personality shall submit a copy of their business license; Overseas bidders must provide valid proof of enterprise registration materials. 2)業績證明:2019年1月1日至今(以合同簽訂時間為準),投標人須具有自身簽訂的3份類似的供貨業績,需提供合同關鍵頁(至少包含甲乙雙方蓋章或簽字頁、銷售產品內容及數量、合同簽訂時間); /Performance proof: from January 1, 2019 to the present (subject to the time of contract signing), the bidder shall have 3 supply performance of similar signed by itself, and the key pages of the contract shall be provided (at least including the seal or signature page of A and B, the content and quantity of the products sold, and the time of contract signing); 3)投標人必須是制造商(集成商)或制造商授權的代理商,投標人如為代理商則必須提供制造商出具的有效期內的授權書; /The bidder must be the manufacturer (integrator) or the manufacturer’s authorized agent, the bidder, such as the agent must provide the manufacturer issued by the validity of the authorization letter; 4)投標人須提供其 /The bidder must provide its bank account within three months before the opening of the bid issued by the credit certificate, in which the territory of the bidder to provide by the opening of the basic account of the bank issued by the credit certificate; 5)投標人需提供近三年(2020-2022)財務審計報告,如未成立三年,需提供成立以來的第三方財務審計報告(財務審計報告需包括資產負債表、現金流量表和利潤表,三表缺一不可); 注:對于無法提供審計報告的事業單位,需提供財務報表; / Bidders are required to provide financial audit reports for the past three years (2020-2022), if not established for three years, they are required to provide a third-party financial audit report since its establishment (the financial audit report should include a balance sheet, a cash flow statement, and an income statement, with one of the three tables missing); Note: For the utilities that are unable to provide an audit report, they are required to provide financial statements; 6)投標人須提供中國人民銀行出具的銀行基本賬戶開戶許可證或由為企業開立基本存款賬戶的銀行出具的具有企業基本存款賬戶編號的說明文件; /The bidder shall provide the bank basic account opening license issued by the People's Bank of China or the explanatory document with the basic deposit account number of the enterprise issued by the bank that opens the basic deposit account for the enterprise; 7)投標人須提供其訴訟及仲裁情況說明; /The bidder shall provide a statement of its litigation and arbitration status;4、本次招標不接受聯合體投標/ Joint Bids is NOT Available。
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